It’s been another great week! I am enjoying my students so much. I hope they are enjoying my classes as well. This past week We sorted nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives. ( 3.2Bi, 3.2Biv, 3.11A, 3.11Div) and located them in our sentences. We read stories and discussed their genres , their vocabulary, and their meanings We learned MORE about our community around us. Next week, we will be learning the following skills:
Reading: We will read “Saturdays and Teacakes” by Lester Laminack as our interactive read aloud. As we read, we will review practice these skills:3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic, 3.8D explain the influence of the setting on the plot, 3.2Aii decoding multisyllabic words w/ closed, open, -VCe syllables, vowel teams, diagraphs/ dipthongs, r-
Writing: We will respond to the text we read. We will review to identification of adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and verbs (3.11v) and how they are used in your writing. Students will practice brainstorming their ideas.(3.11A)plan first draft by selecting a genre for topic, purpose, and audience). We will have another grammar quiz at the end of the week. (We noticed after last week’s quiz that we needed to do some extra reteaching with these parts of speech!)
Spelling: We will continue learning how to spell our 10 high frequency words from last week: about, bring, even, has, live, only, say, there, wash, after. (3.11D.xi correct spelling of words with grade appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and HFW). We will introduce and work with contractions and compound words 3.2Aiii decoding compound words, contractions and abbrevetions).
Social Studies: Students will be begin learning about our local and state governments. (3.2A, 3.14B,3.14C,3.15A,3.15D,3.15E)
Students will have book bags coming home this tomorrow (9/5)! Please read with your child every night! Homework will also come home on Friday (9/8). It will be due next Thursday (9/14)/.