Learning Goals for Sept. 11-15

Holy September Batman! 5th week of school already! We have learned so much and are continuing to learn! 

Reading: We are continuing our work on the genre of Fiction. We will keep practicing application of the elements of fiction (characters, setting, conflict/ resolution and theme 3.8ABCDE). Our book of the week is In My Momma’s Kitchen, realistic fiction story. https://youtu.be/Lz4Pm8X20Lo?si=K8-YMSu8WUyy3555 if you would like to listen to this amazing 5 part book. Our story vocabulary is: proud, humming, pudding, minced, serenade, warm the shivers off, eggbeater, shooed, clarinet. You can practice these words here: https://quizlet.com/823121083/in-my-mommas-kitchen-read-aloud-week-of-sept-11-15-flash-cards/?i=2xr62p&x=1jqt We will have a vocabulary test on Friday to show our knowledge of these words. Our high frequency words are: brown, every, have, long, open, see, these, water, again, but. We will also study short vowel sounds, in multisyllabic words as our spelling skill. Test will be dictation sentences and using applications of short vowels to spell. 

Writing: We will continue on with our Writing process. We will respond to the text we read, as well as revise previous writing. We will also review conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). Remember Conjunction Junction? https://youtu.be/4AyjKgz9tKg?si=MfqrReS6cJVEEVpy here it is, if you would like to take a step back to our childhood! 3.2Bi, 3.2Biv, 3.11A, 3.11Div, 3.11Dviii

Social Studies: We will review what we have learned so far about our local and state government.

IMPORTANT DATES: Yearbook pictures on Thursday! Pep rally on Friday!

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